
G.I. Joe and Transformers Generation 2: A 4-Part Comic Review – Part 3: Issue #141

Published in 1993, G.I. Joe #141 was not just another issue—it was the tipping point in this legendary crossover. By this time, Megatron had been rebuilt and upgraded with the help of Cobra, leading to a powerful new form that would define his Generation 2 persona. With his new tank alt-mode, Megatron was deadlier than ever, and the stakes for both the Joes and the Autobots had never been higher. Having overheard that Scarlett has revealed that she is a double agent to Dr. Biggles Jones, Snake Eyes breaks from…

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G.I. Joe and Transformers Generation 2: A 4-Part Comic Review Series – Part 2: Issue #140

Welcome back to our review series exploring the exciting crossover between two iconic franchises: G.I. Joe and Transformers Generation 2. In Part 2, we dive into Marvel Comics’ G.I. Joe #140, which serves as the second chapter of this epic collaboration. The story picks up with Megatron leading Cobra Commander to Canada to the location of the the Transformers ark which is chocked full of new technology which Cobra Commander can’t wait to get his hands on. Of course many forces are in play here as the under cover government…

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