
G.I. Joe and Transformers Generation 2: A 4-Part Comic Review – Part 3: Issue #141

Published in 1993, G.I. Joe #141 was not just another issue—it was the tipping point in this legendary crossover. By this time, Megatron had been rebuilt and upgraded with the help of Cobra, leading to a powerful new form that would define his Generation 2 persona. With his new tank alt-mode, Megatron was deadlier than ever, and the stakes for both the Joes and the Autobots had never been higher.

Having overheard that Scarlett has revealed that she is a double agent to Dr. Biggles Jones, Snake Eyes breaks from the Ninja Force to infiltrate Cobra’s Hospital in Millville to extract her. However, things get hairy when the vaunted Night Creeper Leader shows up and Snake Eyes faces off with him an a mano e mano duel!

Unfortunately for Dr. Biggles Jones is in for a far worser fate than Scarlett as Megatron announces he wants to take her captive and “core and freeze” her brain for his return to Cybertron.

Meanwhile, while Snake Eyes is facing off with Night Creeper Leader, Megatron swipes Dr. Biggles Jones prompting Scarlett to rise from her hospital bed to save her friend. Will the Autobots arrive in time to help the Joes? Find out in our review of the final part of this epic story arc.

You can read this full issue in our forums at the link below!



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