G.I.Joe IACON CITY - The Transformers Forum 

G.I. Joe and Transformers Generation 2 – Issue #142: The Explosive Finale of our 4 Pt. Review!

The epic crossover between G.I. Joe and Transformers: Generation 2 reaches its thrilling conclusion in G.I. Joe #142! This issue, released in 1993, serves as the grand finale of the four-part storyline that sees Cobra, the Autobots, and the Decepticons colliding in a high-stakes battle for power and survival. The story picks up just as Megatron is about to squash Scarlett like a bug, because she is trying to prevent him from “coring and freezing” Dr. Biggles Jones for a trip back to Cybertron. But fortunately at the last minute…

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G.I. Joe and Transformers Generation 2: A 4-Part Comic Review – Part 3: Issue #141

Published in 1993, G.I. Joe #141 was not just another issue—it was the tipping point in this legendary crossover. By this time, Megatron had been rebuilt and upgraded with the help of Cobra, leading to a powerful new form that would define his Generation 2 persona. With his new tank alt-mode, Megatron was deadlier than ever, and the stakes for both the Joes and the Autobots had never been higher. Having overheard that Scarlett has revealed that she is a double agent to Dr. Biggles Jones, Snake Eyes breaks from…

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