Tommy Lee Jones Is Joining The ‘Bourne’ Franchise!

The news for the upcoming ‘Bourne‘ movie just keeps getting better and better. Getting Matt Damon back on board was amazing, but now Hollywood legendĀ Tommy Lee Jones is signing on. Check out the details on this one below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP! (Source: cinemablend) Variety reports that Tommy Lee Jones has joined the next Bourne adventure, co-starring alongside Matt Damon, who returns to the series after sitting out 2012ā€™s The Bourne Legacy. The trade notes that Jones will play “a superior officer at the CIA,” which puts…

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Men In Black 4 In The Works!

Sony Pictures has just hired Hollywood writer Oren Uziel(Mortal Kombat: Rebirth,The Kitchen Sink) to begin the script for both 21 Jump Street 2 and Men In Black 4. Men In Black 3 pulled in last year at the box office $624 million worldwide. Considering that fans waited 15 years for the last sequel, it is still a bit surprising that we will be getting a fourth Men In Black film so soon. Since both Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are not getting any younger,you will not hear any complaints…

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