Transformers Combiner Wars ‘Hot Spot’ Voyager Protectobot!
We have some nice ‘In Hand’ images of the brand new Transformers Generations Combiner Wars Hot Spot Voyager figure, which is part of the Protectobot’s set. Once again Hasbro has really taken the G1 version of this character and improved on the look, while maintaining the spirit of the character. Check out the images below, and share your thoughts after the JUMP!
It looks like the best was saved for last, because TFND member GENETIC has posted a gallery of Voyager Hot Spot, and it looks absolutely amazing. Of the three Voyager molds we’re due this year, this looks to be the winner hands down, outperforming even the unexpectedly praised Silverbolt. It remains to be seen how well the torso mode will work out, but Hot Spot looks strong enough to purchase just for its own robot mode. Click through and check out all the photos!